Category Archives: News

Silvia @UPMC

Silvia Picciolini, Labion researcher and UNIMIB PhD candidate, is going to spend 3 months as visiting scientist at UPMC to deepen the field of regenerative rehabilitation. This is a great opportunity for Silvia, for Labion and for Fondazione Don Gnocchi, to tighten the collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh which is now leading...
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LABION workshop – Thanks to you all

Thanks to all invited speakers and to the audience who participated at the workshop held on 19th December at IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi: “The promise of circulating miRNAs as disease biomarkers: clinical, analytical and technological challenges”. Organized at the end of the Euronanomed II granted project NanoPlasmiRNA, it was a great opportunity to share knowledge...
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LABION workshop – The promise of circulating miRNAs as disease biomarkers

LABION is pleased to announce the upcoming workshop entitled "The promise of circulating miRNAs as disease biomarkers: clinical, analytical and technological challenges" organised by Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi within the framework of the European NanoPlasmiRNA project coordinated by Dr. Renzo Vanna. It will be an opportunity for everybody working in the...
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Andrea Sguassero’s graduation day

Yesterday, the youngest LABION member Andrea Sguassero graduated cum laude in Industrial Biotechnologies at University of Milano-Bicocca. Andrea has discussed his Master thesis entitled "Development of a PCR-free approach based on surface plasmon resonance imaging for the multiplexing detection of microRNAs related to multiple sclerosis " describing the results of his great work on SPRi performed under the supervision...
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Exosomes: naturally secreted nanoparticles characterized by biophotonic techniques

"I Venerdì di Farmacologia" held in Via Vanvitelli 32 (Milano) are science research public lectures organized by Istituto di Neuroscienze CNR, Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale, Fondazione “Emilio Trabucchi”. On Friday 27th October 2017, Alice Gualerzi will present the major LABION results of the ongoing projects about exosomal characterization by Raman spectroscopy and Surface...
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LABION and FDG sponsor @NanoInnovation2017

NanoInnovation represents the reference national event for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the development of nanotechnologies and in their integration with other enabling technologies (KETs) in all application fields. Nanoinnovation 2017 will take place on September, 26 - 29 in the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of...
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