A new CORSAI meeting!
The 5th consortium meeting of the CORSAI project took place online on January 27th, 2025. Continue Reading
Labion@Brayn 2024
The 7th Brainstorming Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists (BraYn) took place in Verona from 9th Continue Reading
ERS Congress 2024
The annual ERS Congress 2024, took place at RX Messe Wien, Austria, from 7 to Continue Reading
Who we are.
Labion is a newly established but already International recognized, research laboratory focused on the application of advanced optical techniques and nanomaterials in medicine.
What we have done.
Several scientific articles, international patents and granted project s are the result of innovation and networking actions.
What we can do.
We develop new nanotechnologies and new biophotonics methods by using a multidisciplinary approach at the level of molecules, cells and tissues.
Where we are.
LABION c/o, FONDAZIONE DON CARLO GNOCCHI ONLUS - IRCCS S.M. NASCENTE, Via A. Capecelatro, 66 - 20148 Milano – Italy, Building G
Tel. +39 02 40308305
Fax. +39 02 4048919
Tel. +39 02 40308305
Fax. +39 02 4048919