- ERC-2022-PoC2. Project Title: A web-platform interfaced software for spectroscopic molecular characterization with application to the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease – SEMISOFT. (Coordinator: Prof. Michele Ceotto, Università degli Studi di Milano. Partner: Dr. Marzia Bedoni, Fondazione Don Gnocchi)
- ERAPERMED Joint Transitional Call (JTC) 2021 “Multidisciplinary Research Projects on Personalised Medicine – Development of Clinical Support Tools for Personalised Medicine Implementation”. Project Title: Raman analysis of saliva from COPD patients as new biomarker: AI-based point-of-care for the disease monitoring and management – CORSAI Newsletter-January-22-final_comp_CORSAI pag7. (Principal Investigator: Dr. Paolo I. Banfi, CoPI: Dr. Marzia Bedoni)
- Italian Ministry of Health Grant, Conto Capitale, Call 2020. Project title: Reabilomica: studio delle vescicole extracellulari come biomarcatori per il monitoraggio del trattamento riabilitativo e della rigenerazione tissutale in pazienti colpiti da ictus. (Project Leader: Dr. Marzia Bedoni).
- FRRB, II Edition (2020-2022). Project title: New frontiers of engineered nanovectors to improve treatment efficacy and safety in neurological disorders (NEVERMIND). (Principal Investgator: Dr. Marzia Bedoni).
- Ricerca Finalizzata – Starting Grant (2019-2022). Project title: Towards a powerful tool for the stratification of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients: salivary biomarkers detection by the combination of Raman Spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF spectrometry. (Principal Investgator: Cristiano Carlomagno).
- EuroNanoMed II, 6th Joint Call (2016-2018). Project title: “NanoPlasmiRNA – Universal Nano-enhancer for a new multiplexing Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging analysis of miRNAs in multiple sclerosis”. (Project Leader: Dr. Renzo Vanna).
- EuroNanoMed II, 4th Joint Call (2013-2015). Project title: “InNaSERSS, Development of Integrated Nanorray based SERS system for leukemia biomarker detection”. (Project Leader: Dr. Carlo Morasso).
- FP7-Health-2012-Innovation-1-Coordination and Support Action (2012-2014). Project Title:” NANOMED2020— Enabling the European Nanomedicine Area until 2020″ (Group Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- Cariplo Foundation: Particolato ultrafine e nanoparticelle ingegnerizzate, Call 2011 (2012-2014). Project title: “The MULAN program: MULtilevel Approch to the study of Nanomaterials health and safety. (Project Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- Italian Ministry of Health Grant, Conto Capitale, Call 2010 (2011-2014). Project title: “Realizzazione e validazione di una core facility di biofotonica clinica per diagnosi precoce e monitoraggio di minimal residual disease in patologie tumorali.”. (Project Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- Italian Ministry of Health Grant (2012-2014). Project title: “La cute come “spettro” del corpo: utilizzo della spettroscopia Raman per diagnosi in vivo non invasive”. (Principal Investigator: Dr. Marzia Bedoni)
- Italian Ministry of Health Grant (2013-2014). Project title: “Raman imaging su cellule per diagnostica avanzata label-free: studio esplorativo per la classificazione di diversi sottotipi di leucemia mieloide acuta”. (Principal Investigator: Dr. Marzia Bedoni)
- Cariplo Foundation: International Recruitment Call 2011 (2011-2013). Project title: “An innovative, nanostructured biosensor for early diagnosis and minimal residual disease assessment of cancer, using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”. (Project Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- FP7-NMP-2009- Collaborative Support Action (2009-2010). Project title: “Euronanobio- European scale infrastructure in Nanobiotechnology” (Group Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- Seed Capital Grant (TTSeed 2009-2010). Project title: “Nano for Health, turning nano-innovation into healthcare”. (Project Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).
- Cariplo Foundation Grant (2007-2009). Project Title: “Development of a microstructured device for transdermal drug delivery in a contiuous and modulable way”. (Project Leader: Dr. Furio Gramatica).