ERAPERMED granted_CORSAI project

Raman analysis of saliva from COPD patients as new biomarker:

AI-based point-of-care for the disease monitoring and management ​


CORSAI is an ERAPerMed project coordinated by Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi


The CORSAI project is a challenging proposal aimed to create a new method for the optimised and personalised management of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD is a debilitating pathology characterized by reduced lung function, breathlessness and rapid and unrelenting decrease in quality of life. The severity rate and the therapy selection are strictly dependent on various parameters verifiable after years of clinical observations, missing a direct biomarker associated with COPD. Up to now, diagnosis is mainly based on spirometry, but it would benefit for coupling with objective markers of  inflammation, which is crucial  for onset, prognosis, patient’s stratification and therapy’s personalization.

The CORSAI project will build a close link between biomedical and clinical research and data science, developing a new tool for personalized therapies implementation. The multidisciplinary approach in pre-clinical, clinical and big data management fields is achieved through collaboration of academy, clinical research and industry.

The main goal of the CORSAI project is to validate a new method based on the Raman spectroscopy (RS) analysis of saliva, highly informative and minimally invasive biofluid, for the optimised and personalised management of COPD patients.

CORSAI_graphical abstract

RS-based method will be combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced Machine and Deep Learning (ML, DL) to create an integrated platform for a prompt tailored pharmacological and rehabilitation intervention.

The project will lead to the COPD patients’ management in a personalized medicine dimension, with a particular focus on stratification of patients, prediction of the risk of exacerbation and adherence to therapy. The use of a portable RS will allow to test in hospital the effectiveness of the method from bench to bedside, investigating different aspects of COPD in a single analysis.



The Consortium benefits to the presence of hospitals from Italy, Spain and Latvia, academia and SME from Germany.


The CORSAI project is coordinate by Dr. Paolo Innocente Banfi, Head of Respiratory Rehabilitation Department of IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS and Co-COordinated by Dr. Marzia Bedoni, Head of LABION.

Dr. Banfi (left) and Dr. Bedoni (right) coordinators of the CORSAI project.

The project is conducted by Fondazione Don Gnocchi in collaboration with:


The CORSAI project started in February 2022 and will continue for 36 months, in which all partners involved with their multidisciplinary and heterogeneous team are willing to work hard to realise all the goals of this ambitious project and never leave patients behind.

If you want to stay update visit Labion website and Instagram account… and follow us on Twitter (@CORSAI_project)!